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About Conference

Conference Series is excited to announce the 3rd World Congress on Quantum Physics 2025, scheduled for April 10-11, 2025, in the vibrant city of Dubai, UAE. This prestigious event will bring together leading researchers, professors, and specialists from around the globe under the theme, Exploring Quantum Physics for Future Advancements.”

QUANTUM PHYSICS 2025 conference will offer a premier platform for participants to engage in a diverse range of sessions, including keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Attendees will have the opportunity to delve into the latest advancements in quantum physics, participate in thought-provoking discussions, and gain insights from world-renowned experts in the field.

Networking will be a key feature of the event, providing a valuable opportunity for professionals to connect and collaborate. The state-of-the-art facilities in Dubai will offer an ideal setting for these interactions, blending cutting-edge technology with the city's rich cultural experiences. We invite researchers and practitioners to submit their abstracts and papers to contribute to the conference. For more information on registration, submission guidelines, and updates, please visit our official website. Join us in Dubai to explore the future of quantum physics and connect with leaders in the field.

Why choose us: 

  • Build Connections for Enhanced Advancement
  • Engage, Exchange, and Discover
  • Share Your Concepts and Research
  • Form New Partnerships with Attendees from Around the Globe
  • Expand your knowledge
  • Learn Beyond your Field of Interest
  • Broaden Your Knowledge and Gain a Competitive Edge

Target Audience:

1. Physics researchers and scientists

2. Research students and institutions

3. Professors, students, and researchers in physics

4. Managers and business analysts

5. Professionals in the electronics industry

6. Managers in advertising and promotion agencies

7. Representatives from physical and materials science societies and associations


Session and Tracks

Track 1: Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behaviour of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. It introduces concepts like wave-particle duality and quantization of energy, challenging classical physics with phenomena such as superposition and entanglement. Essentially, it provides the framework for understanding the fundamental nature of matter and energy.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 2: Quantum Field Theory (QFT)

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework in physics that blends classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics. It describes how particles interact and propagate through space-time, treating particles as excited states (quanta) of underlying fields. In QFT, forces are mediated by exchange particles, such as photons for electromagnetic interactions. This theory is fundamental to understanding the behaviour of subatomic particles and forms the basis for the Standard Model of particle physics.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 3: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics studies the interactions between light and matter at the smallest scales. This field investigates the properties and behaviours of atoms, molecules, and photons, often using lasers and other advanced tools. Key areas include quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and the development of technologies like atomic clocks and quantum computers. AMO physics plays a crucial role in enhancing our understanding of fundamental processes and developing new technologies.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 4: Quantum Sensing

Subatomic sensing involves the detection and measurement of particles smaller than atoms, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. This technology uses advanced instruments like particle detectors and quantum sensors to observe and analyse these particles' behaviour and properties. It has applications in fields such as quantum computing, materials science, and fundamental physics research. The precision and sensitivity of subatomic sensing allow for breakthroughs in understanding the fundamental nature of matter and energy.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 5: Fundamental Dynamics

Fundamental Dynamics refers to the core principles and laws governing the behaviour and interaction of physical systems. It encompasses concepts such as force, motion, energy, and momentum, which are described by Newton's laws of motion and other foundational theories in physics. These dynamics are crucial for understanding and predicting the behaviour of objects in various environments, from everyday phenomena to complex systems in engineering and the natural sciences.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 6: Quantum Computing

Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations. Unlike classical computers, which use bits as binary 0s or 1s, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits that can exist in multiple states simultaneously (superposition). Qubits can also be entangled, meaning the state of one qubit can depend on the state of another, regardless of distance. This allows quantum computers to solve certain complex problems much faster than classical computers.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 7: Topological Physics

Topological physics studies properties of materials and systems that remain unchanged under continuous deformations, such as stretching or bending, but not tearing or gluing. These properties are described by topological invariants, which lead to phenomena like robust edge states in topological insulators and quantized conductance in the quantum Hall effect. These robust properties are immune to local perturbations, making them valuable for applications in quantum computing and novel materials science.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 8: Quantum Materials

Quantum materials are substances that exhibit properties and behaviour’s governed by quantum mechanics, often not explainable by classical physics. These materials, such as superconductors, topological insulators, and quantum magnets, have unique electronic, magnetic, and optical characteristics. They are studied for their potential applications in advanced technologies, including quantum computing, energy-efficient electronics, and high-capacity data storage. The exploration of quantum materials aims to unlock new functionalities and enhance existing technologies through their quantum nature.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 9: Spin-Quantum Technologies

Spin-Quantum Technologies leverage the intrinsic angular momentum, or "spin," of particles like electrons or atomic nuclei to develop advanced technologies. By manipulating and measuring these spins, scientists aim to enhance quantum computing, improve magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and enable ultra-sensitive magnetic field detection. These technologies harness quantum properties to potentially revolutionize fields such as information processing and medical imaging.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 10: Nuclear Physics

Nuclear physics is the branch of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their interactions. It explores the forces that hold nuclei together, the processes of nuclear decay and reactions, and how these phenomena influence both natural and man-made systems. Key areas include nuclear fission (splitting nuclei) and nuclear fusion (combining nuclei), which have applications in energy production, medicine, and various scientific fields.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 11: Quantum Technology

Quantum technology leverages the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform tasks that are impossible or highly inefficient for classical technologies. This includes quantum computing, which promises exponentially faster processing for certain problems, and quantum communication, which offers theoretically uncheckable encryption methods. Quantum sensors and imaging techniques also provide unprecedented precision and sensitivity in measurement and observation.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 12: Advanced cryptography

Advanced cryptography involves complex techniques to secure data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. It uses mathematical algorithms such as elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) and post-quantum cryptography to protect information against modern threats and potential quantum computing attacks. Key concepts include asymmetric encryption (public and private keys), hashing functions for data integrity, and digital signatures for authentication. These methods are foundational in securing communications and data in a digital world.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 13: In-depth Quantum Physics

Quantum physics explores the behaviour of particles at the smallest scales, where classical physics fails. It introduces concepts like wave-particle duality, where particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. Quantum superposition allows particles to exist in multiple states simultaneously, while entanglement means particles can be instantaneously connected, regardless of distance. These principles underpin technologies like quantum computing and contribute to our understanding of the universe at a fundamental level.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 14: Quantum Chemistry

Quantum chemistry is the field that applies quantum mechanics to understand how atoms and molecules behave and interact. It uses concepts like wave-particle duality and the Schrödinger equation to predict molecular structures, bonding patterns, and chemical reactions. Through solving intricate mathematical equations, it offers insights into the electronic configurations and characteristics of chemical systems, enhancing our comprehension of atomic and molecular phenomena.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 15: Photon Imaging

Photon imaging is a technique used to visualize and measure light at the level of individual photons. It involves capturing the interaction of photons with a detector, often a highly sensitive camera or sensor, which can detect very low levels of light. This method is commonly used in various fields, including biology, physics, and astronomy, to study phenomena such as fluorescence, bioluminescence, and single-molecule interactions. Photon imaging allows for high-resolution and precise measurements of light emissions from samples.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 16: Particle Physics

Particle physics studies the fundamental particles that make up the universe and their interactions. It explores the basic building blocks of matter, such as quarks and leptons, and the forces that govern their behaviour. By using particle accelerators, scientists probe these particles at high energies to uncover the principles of the universe's structure and forces, such as those described by the Standard Model and beyond.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 17: Fundamental Optics and Photonics

Fundamental optics and photonics involve the study of light (photons) and its interaction with matter. Optics focuses on the behaviour and properties of light, including its reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Photonics extends this to the generation, detection, and manipulation of light, enabling technologies like lasers, fibre optics, and imaging systems. Together, they underpin critical advancements in communications, medicine, and various scientific fields.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 18: Wave function

A wave function in quantum mechanics describes the quantum state of a particle or system. It provides information about the probability amplitude of finding a particle in a particular position or state when measured. The wave function is usually represented by the Greek letter psi (ψ) and its square (|ψ|²) gives the probability density of the particle's location. This concept is fundamental to understanding phenomena like superposition and quantum interference.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 19: Quantum numbers and orbitals

Quantum numbers are values that describe the properties of electrons in an atom, including their energy levels, shapes, and orientations in space. They consist of four numbers: the principal (n), angular momentum (l), magnetic (m), and spin (s) quantum numbers. Orbitals are regions in an atom where electrons are most likely to be found, with their shape and size defined by the quantum numbers. Each orbital can hold up to two electrons with opposite spins.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 20: Astrophysics

Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that applies the principles of physics and chemistry to understand how stars, galaxies, and the universe as a whole work. It studies the formation, evolution, and death of celestial objects, as well as their interactions and the fundamental forces governing them. This field seeks to unravel the mysteries of phenomena like black holes, neutron stars, and cosmic radiation, and it often involves complex mathematical models and observational data from telescopes and spacecraft.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 21: Entangled Communication Systems

Entangled communication systems use the principles of quantum entanglement to enable instant, secure information transfer between two parties. In this system, particles are entangled in such a way that the state of one particle is directly related to the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This allows for theoretically instantaneous communication, bypassing traditional limitations of signal transmission speed. It's still largely theoretical and experimental, with practical applications yet to be fully realized.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Track 22: Emerging Trends in Quantum Physics

Emerging trends in quantum physics include advancements in quantum computing, which promises exponential increases in processing power for complex problems. Researchers are also exploring quantum entanglement and quantum networks for secure communication and data transfer. Additionally, there’s growing interest in quantum materials and phenomena like topological insulators, which could revolutionize electronics and energy technologies. These developments are pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the quantum world and its applications.

Related ConferencesQuantum Physics conference | Quantum Technology Summit | Quantum Mechanics Congress 2025 Europe | Nuclear Physics Workshops |  International Conference on Quantum Technologies | Planck Constant Seminars |  Quantum Information Theory Conferences

Related Worldwide Associations and SocietiesAmerican Physical Society Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Research Network | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | Institute for Quantum Computing | European Physical Society

Benefits of Participation

Advantages of Participating at our conference:

  • The benefits of having your Speaker and abstract pages created on Google under your name include gaining global visibility.
  • Our extensive online advertising reaches over 30,000 users and generates more than 50,000 views for our Library of Abstracts, connecting researchers and speakers to our conference.
  • Connect with numerous forward-thinking experts in Quantum Physics to exchange ideas and insights.
  • Experience a unique chance to hear from leading experts and influential researchers in Quantum Physics during our keynote sessions.
  • Nominations for the Best Poster Award.
  • Award for Outstanding Young Researcher.
  • Advantages of Registering as a Group.

Benefits of Participation for Speaker:

  • Global recognition of researchers' profiles
  • Earn credits for career advancement.
  • Discover the latest advancements in cutting-edge analysis.
  • Build lasting connections through social and networking events.
  • An opportunity to promote a single page in abstract books and flyers, reaching up to 1 million views and significantly enhancing your research profile.
  • Explore topics outside your main interests to broaden your knowledge with new subjects and research beyond your core areas of Quantum Physics.

Benefits of Participation for Delegate:

  • Professional Development - Enhance comprehension and expertise.
  • Attending the conference revitalizes and energizes delegates.
  • Your participation in our webinar will contribute to the development of new methods and ideas that can enhance the results for businesses or industries.
  • Opportunities for Quantum Physics researchers and experts to gather and share ideas on these topics through a conference.

Benefit of Participation for Sponsor:

  • Exposure to the International Congress on Quantum Physics boosts the likelihood of new companies emerging.
  • An opportunity to showcase your company’s newest technologies, products, or services to a diverse international audience.
  • Increase business by our conference participants through lead generation.
  • Building a successful company demands significant time, effort, and determination, so having a network of like-minded colleagues and associates to draw inspiration and energy from is invaluable.
  • Creating a thriving business requires a lot of time, effort, and commitment. Therefore, having a network of motivated and similar-minded individuals to gain inspiration and energy from is incredibly valuable.
  • Assessing the primary organization strategies and advancing them.
  • Get feedback from trustworthy people at our conference to your company questions and challenges.
  • Your company’s advertising logo will appear on our webinar banner, website, and other branding and marketing materials.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators:

  • No other platform attracts such a vast number of visitors worldwide; it's the ideal venue to showcase societal issues.
  • Creating long-lasting peer relationships.
  • Featuring your organization's logo on our conference banner, website, and other promotional materials will boost your subscriber and member count by 40%.
  • Being featured in the Global Business forum will have a significant impact on your association.
  • Your representatives can connect with key webinar participants to enhance their knowledge and understanding of your organization and services.

Market Analysis

The QUANTUM PHYSICS 2025 conference is expected to see a significant increase in interest, driven by advancements in quantum computing, cryptography, and materials science. Key trends include:

1. Increased Participation: Growth in both academic and industry attendees, reflecting the rising relevance of quantum technologies.

2. Cutting-Edge Topics: Focus on practical applications like quantum algorithms, error correction, and hardware development.

3. Collaborations: Greater emphasis on partnerships between academia, industry, and government sectors.

4. Investment and Sponsorship: Surge in funding from tech giants and venture capitalists, aiming to support breakthrough innovations.

Overall, the conference is set to be a major hub for showcasing advancements and forging future directions in quantum physics.



Visa Trip Advisor

Planning a trip to Paris, France? Join our meeting!

If you need assistance with your VISA application, we offer the following documents to help:

1. Official letter of invitation

2. Official Letter of Abstract Acceptance

3. Payment Confirmation

Please note that the visa invitation letter will be provided only after you have successfully registered and paid for the conference. Visa letters are available only to those who have been accepted to attend.

To request a visa letter, email the Program Manager at with the following details:

  • Your name as it appears in your passport
  • A scan of your passport (showing Passport Number and Date of Birth)
  • Abstract Acceptance Letter

For payment, you can choose between:

1. Payment Gateway: RAZORPAY

2. Bank-to-bank transfer


If you encounter any issues with registration, contact the Program Manager at The QUANTUM PHYSICS 2025 team will then send you an invoice for the bank transfer.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 10-11, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics Journal of Geology & Geophysics Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Journal of medical physics and applied sciences

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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