Theme: Emphasizing Novel Researches and Frontline Advances of Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics 2022

Quantum Physics 2022

The organizer of the QUNTUM PHYSICS 2022 invites all participants from all over the world to join the famous scientific International Conference on "Quantum Physics," which will be held during on November 24-25, 2022 as a webinar. It is one of the world's most prestigious scientific conferences, hosting scientific sessions and sub-sessions on cutting-edge research and the most recent innovations in the fields of quantum physics and quantum technology from all over the world. Attendees will get access to certain unique workshops and panel discussions on the most recent developments in physics.

Theme: Emphasizing Novel Researches and Frontline Advances of Quantum Physics.

Details of Quantum Physics 2022:

Conference Name



Quantum Physics 2022


November 24-25, 2022


Why to attend Quantum Physics 2022 ?

This is your finest opportunity to access the largest assemblage of participants from universities, colleges, research centres, societies, organisations, labs, groups, communities, and enterprises, etc., with members from all over the world focused on Quantum physics and Quantum technology. We wish to organise a global meeting where researchers from various controls may successfully trade data. The purpose of bringing the general public to the meetings is to catalyse empowering trades and connections between professionals in various sectors, ranging from physical science to engineering. It will create new multidisciplinary systems and allow participants to share their knowledge and data in order to achieve faster and better results.

Quantum physics and quantum technology have not only aided in the advancement of several disciplines of research and technology, but have also contributed to the betterment of human life quality. The main goal of the Quantum Physics 2022 conference is to allow attendees to connect, interact, and exchange creative ideas in diverse areas of quantum physics and technology. The pleasure of attending Quantum Physics 2022 entails progressive improvement and growth in your way to doing things, as well as a broader perspective on things in international diversity.

Target Audience:

  1.  Physics Scientists
  2.  Research students and Research Institute
  3.  Professors, Students, Researchers from Physics
  4.  Managers and Business Intellect Professionals
  5.  Business Professionals from Electronic Industries
  6.  Advertising and Promotion Agency Managers
  7.  Delegates from Physical and Materials Science societies and Associations

Related Societies:

  1. American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  2. American Physical Society (APS)
  3. Australian Institute of Physics
  4. Canadian Association of Physicists
  5. Colombian Society of Physics (in Spanish)
  6. Chilean Society of Physics (in Spanish)
  7. European Physical Society
  8. European Materials Research Society (EMRS)
  9. The Egyptian Materials Research Society
  10. French Physical Society
  11. International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP)
  12. Institute of Particle Physics, Canada (IPP)
  13. Institute of Physics, United Kingdom
  14. International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers
  15. International Union of Crystallography
  16. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  17. Italian Physical Society
  18. Physical Society of Germany (DPG)
  19. Physical Society of Japan
  20. Portuguese Society of Physics
  21. Swiss Physical Society
  22. Italian Association of Physics Students
  23. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
  24. The International Liquid Crystal Society
  25. The International society for optics and photonics

Conference opportunities:

For Researchers and Faculty members:

  • Speaker presentations
  • Poster presentation
  • Symposium hosting
  • Workshop organizing

For Universities, Associations & Societies:

  • Association partnering
  • Collaboration proposals
  • Academic partnering
  • Group participation

For students and Research scholars:

  • Poster competition
  • Young Researcher Forum
  • Student attendee
  • Group registrations

For Business Delegates:

  • Speaker presentations
  • Symposium hosting
  • Book launch event
  • Networking opportunities
  • Audience participation

For Product manufacturers:

  • Exhibitor and Vendor booths
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Product launch
  • Workshop organization
  • Scientific partnering
  • Marketing and Networking with clients

1. Quantum Mechanics:-

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behaviour of matter and light at the atomic and subatomic levels. It tries to explain and describe the properties of molecules and atoms as well as their constituents, such as electrons, protons, neutrons, and even more exotic particles like quarks and gluons. The interactions of the particles with one another and with electromagnetic radiation are among these features (i.e., light, X-rays, and gamma rays).

It's crucial to remember that quantum mechanics is a branch of physics, and that the goal of physics is to describe and account for how the world truly is, not how one imagines or wishes it to be, on both a large and small scale.

Quantum mechanics is fascinating for a variety of reasons. For starters, it demonstrates the fundamentals of physics technique. Second, it has consistently produced accurate findings in virtually every case to which it has been applied. However, there is an intriguing paradox. Despite quantum mechanics' overwhelming practical success, the subject's foundations are riddled with unsolved issues, particularly those relating to the nature of measurement. The fact that it is generally difficult, even in theoretically, to measure a system without disrupting it is a key characteristic of quantum physics; the nature of this disturbance and the precise point at which it occurs are both enigmatic and contentious. As a result, quantum mechanics attracted some of the most brilliant scientists of the twentieth century, who built what is arguably the finest intellectual structure of the era.

2. Quantum Magnetism:-

One of the most active fields of research in condensed matter physics is Quantum magnetism. Particularly in low-dimensional quantum spin systems, there is a lot of research going on. Key concepts, theorems, and rigorous results, as well as models of spin chains, ladders, and frustated magnetic systems, are all highlighted.

The term "Quantum magnetism" refers to Pierre Curie's discovery that ferromagnets  lose their magnetic properties above a threshold temperature, now known as the Curie temperature. The development of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, led by Niels Bohr and others, provided a complete explanation of magnetism. The fundamental description of a quantum entity, such as an electron or a group of electrons, is controlled by a particular mathematical function called the wave function, according to quantum physics. This varies in space, and the size of the square of this function at a given location indicates the likelihood of finding a quantum object there.

3. Quantum Technology:-

Quantum technology, which encompasses quantum entanglement and quantum superposition, is a branch of science based on quantum mechanics (the physics of sub-atomic particles).

While such a term may make your head spin, the truth is that you don't need to understand quantum technology to use it. Because the semiconductors in your smartphone use quantum physics, it is a quantum technology, but neither you nor the engineer who designed it needs to understand quantum mechanics.

Quantum technology promises to improve a wide range of daily devices, such as:

 • Navigation and timing systems that are more precise.

• More secure communications

Quantum sensing for more precise healthcare imaging

 • More powerful computers

4. Quantum Materials:-

These are materials where the astonishing effects of quantum mechanics give rise to unique and frequently amazing features. While all materials have quantum mechanical features, 'quantum materials' have properties including quantum fluctuations, quantum entanglement, quantum coherence, and topological behaviour that are unique to them.

The reality is that quantum materials are in technology that you have likely previously seen, such as hospital MRIs, which employ superconductors, and hard disc drives, which use huge magnetoresistance sensors. Quantum materials, on the other hand, are still uncommon in energy systems.

Strong interactions between magnetic moments, electrons, and the underlying crystal structure are common in today's most fascinating materials, generating strong linkages between these distinct parts of the system. Such materials can exhibit fascinating physical behaviours that necessitate the development of novel quantum mechanical models to explain. Superconductors, magnets, topological insulators, and multiferroics are among examples.

5. Quantum Optics:-

Quantum optics is the study of individual photons and their interactions with atoms and molecules. This includes investigating photons' particle-like characteristics. Photons have been used to test several of quantum mechanics' counterintuitive predictions, such as entanglement and teleportation, and they are a valuable resource for quantum information processing.

Quantum optics is a field of physics that investigates how quantum mechanics can be used to study light and its interactions with matter. Unlike classical optics, which was created by Sir Isaac Newton, the behaviour of individual photons has an impact on the outgoing light in quantum optics. Quantum optics has spawned a number of applications, including lasers. Electromagnetic radiation is seen as both a wave and a particle in quantum optics, a phenomenon known as wave particle duality. The most frequent theory is that photons travel as a stream of particles, but their overall behaviour is regulated by a quantum wave function that defines the likelihood of the particles being in a given location at a given moment.

6. Quantum State:-

A quantum state is a mathematical entity in quantum physics that gives a probability distribution for the results of each potential measurement on a system. All that can be expected about the system's behaviour is exhausted once the quantum state and the rules governing the system's evolution in time are known.

The state of a physical system as defined by a wave function; the wave function may be an eigen function of one or more quantum-mechanical operators at the same time; the eigen values are the quantum numbers that name the state. According to quantum physics, a fundamental property of particles. Position, momentum, angular momentum, energy, spin, and time are the most common quantum states.

7. Quantum Metrology:-

Quanta – discrete packets of energy — are used in quantum metrology to determine the standards that define units of measurement and for other high-precision studies. Quantum mechanics determines the absolute precision of any measurement. Quantum metrology, on the other hand, makes advantage of quantum effects to improve precision beyond what is feasible with traditional methods.

Quantum metrology is concerned with the accuracy with which unknown quantities can be calculated or detected. For practical applications including parameter estimation, state discrimination, and hypothesis testing, quantum mechanics can provide advantages over previously known methodologies. Non-classical effects, in particular, can be used to improve the accuracy of estimating quantities of interest such magnetic fields, forces, phases, and frequencies. The quantum advantage shows as a quadratic scaling difference in terms of relevant resources, such as the number of sensing systems, as compared to the best classical techniques for many different applications.

 8.Quantum Simulation:-

Quantum mechanics' laws are the fundamental principles of nature. To achieve the intended specifications, several following synthesis, formulation, and testing procedures are required when designing functional molecules, formulations, or solid-state chemicals. As a result, quantum-mechanical simulations are crucial for gaining a better understanding of mechanisms and processes in molecules and materials. These cutting-edge tools will provide information on how to attain the necessary material qualities.

  • Quantum simulators:-

Quantum simulators are devices that actively respond to questions concerning model systems and, via them, real systems, by utilising quantum effects. We build on this description by addressing a number of key questions about quantum simulators' nature and application.

9. Quantum Computing:-

Quantum computing is a new technology that uses quantum physics to address issues that are too difficult for traditional computers to solve.

Quantum computing is a branch of computing that focuses on developing computer technology based on quantum theory's concepts (which explains the behaviour of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels). Computers nowadays can only encode data in bits with values of 1 or 0, severely limiting their capabilities.

  • Quantum computing is the study of how to leverage quantum physics phenomena to generate novel computing methods.
  • Qubits are the building blocks of quantum computing.
  • Unlike a regular computer bit, which can only be 0 or 1, a qubit can be either one or a superposition of both.
  • Unlike classical computers, where adding more transistors increases power linearly, the power of quantum computers grows exponentially as the number of qubits increases.
  • Quantum computing, on the other hand, makes use of quantum bits, also known as qubits.

10. Quantum Gravity:-

The term "quantum gravity" refers to theories that try to unify gravity with other fundamental forces of physics (which are already unified together). It proposes a virtual particle called a graviton as a theoretical entity that mediates the gravitational pull.

Quantum gravity may be able to provide answers to some of the universe's most fundamental issues. Quantum effects, for example, play a role near black holes, which are so massive that even light emitted from within a specific radius, the black hole's event horizon, cannot escape their gravitational attraction.

Rather than a theory, the term "quantum gravity" refers to an issue. At various phases of development, several areas of research propose prospective solutions to the problem. These hypothetical quantum-gravity theories are viewed as either competing study directions or contributions to the common goal of finding the physically correct theory.

11. Quantum Imaging:-

Quantum imaging is a new subfield of quantum optics that uses quantum correlations like quantum entanglement of the electromagnetic field to picture things with resolution and other imaging criteria that are incomparable to what can be achieved with traditional optics.

Quantum Imaging's goal is to show that by combining the quantum mechanical features of light with the fundamental and intrinsic parallelism of optical signals, new approaches for quantum information processing can be developed. This type of research is a very new area of quantum optics, and most aspects of it are still in their infancy. The initial stage was to create, define, and use spatially entangled non-classical light for the first time.

12. Quantum Field Theory (QFT):-

The mathematical and conceptual underpinning for contemporary elementary particle physics is Quantum Field Theory (QFT). Other disciplines of theoretical physics, such as condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics, employ it as well. In a nutshell, QFT is the application of quantum mechanics (QM), which deals with particles, to fields, or systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. QFT has become a more widely debated topic in philosophy of science in the recent decade, with questions ranging from technique to semantics to ontology. When considered seriously in terms of its philosophical consequences, QFT appears to provide a description of the world that is at odds with basic classical ideas of particles and fields, as well as some aspects of QM.

Two quantum field theories underpin the standard model of particle physics. Through interactions of force-carrying boson particles with matter-making fermions, this model incorporates the workings of three of the four forces of nature. It is the result of decades of theoretical effort that has been rigorously confirmed by experiment.

13. Quantum Information Science(QIS):-

Quantum Information Research (QIS) is a new discipline of science and engineering that has the potential to revolutionise fields such as computers, communication, precision measurement, and fundamental quantum science.

Quantum information science (QIS) is a new subject of research and technology that combines and draws on physical science, mathematics, computer science, and engineering disciplines. Its goal is to figure out how certain fundamental physics rules discovered earlier this century may be used to vastly improve data gathering, transmission, and processing. QIS's fascinating scientific potential are attracting the attention of a growing community of scientists and technologists, and they are fostering unprecedented interactions across traditional discipline boundaries. In the twenty-first century, advances in QIS will become increasingly important to our nation's information technology competitiveness.

14. Matter waves and Particle beams:-

  • Matter waves:- A matter-wave is the wave associated with each moving particle. A matter-wavelength wave's is equal to hp, where h is Planck's constant and p is the moment of a moving particle. A wave is a propagating dynamic disturbance (change from equilibrium) of one or more quantities, frequently defined by a wave equation in physics, mathematics, and related topics. Physical waves have a minimum of two field proportions in the wave medium. Periodic waves occur when specific values oscillate at a constant frequency around an equilibrium (resting) value.

The following are some of the features of matter waves:

  • The De-Broglie wavelength of a particle decreases as it goes faster.
  • The De-Broglie wavelength increases as the particle becomes lighter.
  • Particle beams:- A particle beam (also known as a plasma beam or a charged particle beam) is a fast-moving stream of charged particles such as electrons and protons. Particle accelerators like cathode ray tubes, cyclotrons, and the dense plasma focus create such beams in the lab. Electric fields (which accelerate charged particles in opposite directions) such as those in double layers and Birkeland currents form particle beams in nature.

15. Qubits:-

Any bit made from a quantum system, such as an electron or photon, is referred to as a quantum bit. A quantum bit, like a classical bit, must have two different states: one representing "0" and the other representing "1." A quantum bit can exist in superposition states, be exposed to incompatible measurements, and even be entangled with other quantum bits, unlike a conventional bit. Qubits are fundamentally different and far more powerful than classical bits because they can leverage the powers of superposition, interference, and entanglement.

Quantum objects that operate as qubits are required to develop quantum computers and other quantum information technologies. Many physical systems have been harnessed and controlled by scientists to behave as qubits. This allows us to match the demands of different quantum technologies to the advantages of different qubit kinds.

16. Single photons and Quantum effects:-

  • Single photons:- The history of single-photon technology is brief yet eventful. The concept of a photon was first proposed less than a century ago to solve fundamental physics problems. Since then, the field has grown rapidly and at a breakneck pace. Simultaneously, the number of applications that require single photons or single-photon detection has increased.

The development of single-photon sources and single-photon detectors has been intimately linked, as a thorough understanding of detectors is impossible without first researching sources, and vice versa.

  • Quantum effects:- An effect that cannot be explained using traditional physics (classical mechanics, electrodynamics, etc.) and must instead be explained using quantum mechanics. Interference between electrons is a quantum effect in this sense. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when two particles are entangled. The decay of radioactive matter is a quantum effect. However, while being a quantum experiment involving subatomic particles, the Rutherford experiment (scattering of alpha particles on nuclei) can be described using classical physics and electrostatic force.

17. Quantum Sensing:-

Quantum sensors have the ability to change the world in ways that have never been seen before. The quantum sensing session looks at the quirks of quantum systems in order to design new and better sensors. From detecting small impulses in the body to identifying a likely earthquake or volcanic eruption, quantum sensors offer a significant edge over conventional classical mechanics in terms of precision and accuracy. Researchers will discuss the most recent research highlights at this quantum physics conference.

  • Quantum Sensors
  • Quantum Detection and Sensing
  • Superconducting Detectors and Sensors
  • Optical Quantum Sensors
  • Quantum Lithography
  • Mesoscopic Device Processing

18. Quantum Topology:-

Three physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016 for rewriting our understanding of exotic phase transitional quantum states on material surfaces. The interplay between theoretical representation and low-dimensional topology are the focus of this quantum physics symposium. The connection of low-dimensional topology with quantum physics, such as invariants, topological quantum field theory, categorification, and more, will be the subject of this session.

  • Quantum Invariants
  • Hyperbolic Geometry
  • Khovanov and Heegaard Floer Homology
  • Volume and AJ Conjectures
  • Chern-Simons Theory
  • Topological Model
  • Topological Matter
  • Topological Insulators and Graphene

19. Quantum Chemistry:-

Quantum chemistry is the theoretical study of chemical systems using quantum mechanics. Its goal is to solve the Schrödinger equation for the system under consideration; however, its complexity necessitates simplifying assumptions and approximations for all but the simplest of atoms or molecules, resulting in a trade-off between accuracy and computing expense.

Quantum chemistry encompasses a wide range of topics, from the advancement of our fundamental understanding of molecules to chemical applications, as well as a variety of quantum phenomena applications in the study of biological concerns. Understanding the formation and breaking of bonds in chemical reactions, as well as the use of coherent quantum superposition states for ultrasensitive measurements of protein and DNA structure and dynamics, as well as their interactions with medicinal molecules, are examples.

20. In-depth Quantum Physics:-

  • Quantum Machine Learning & AI
  • Classical Machine Learning
  • Quantum Algorithms
  • Quantum Optics and Photonics
  • Quantum Computing
  • Quantum information and computation
  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum Information
  • Quantum Artificial Intelligence
  • Quantum Architect
  • Theoretical Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Software Research
  • Quantum Engineering
  • Quantum Computing Hardware Engineering
  • Quantum electronic device Engineering
  • Computational Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Gravity & Cosmology
  • Quantum Sensing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Quantum Safe-Security
  • Quantum Genome Sequence
  • Quantum Imaging
  • Quantum Nano Science and Nano Physics

Quantum Physics has a global market worth 67 million US dollars in 2018 and is predicted to reach 86 million US dollars by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of 10% between 2019 and 2025. The award ceremony is a unique feature of the conference. The award is given to encourage speakers, participants, keynote speakers, young scientists, and others. There are numerous categories for award recipients. At the conclusion of the conference, the chairperson will present the awards.

The market for Quantum Physics has grown significantly in recent years, owing to an increase in the number of procedures for Quantum Physics. Quantum physics and nuclear engineering have not only aided in the advancement of several disciplines of research and technology, but have also contributed to the betterment of human life quality. The main goal of the Quantum Physics 2022 Conference is to bring together participants from various fields of quantum physics and nuclear engineering to meet, connect, and exchange creative ideas.

By 2024, the global quantum technology market will be worth $15.3 billion dollars. By 2024, quantum computing will command the largest market share. Between 2018 and 2024, the quantum communication market will increase at a CAGR of 24.6 percent.

The global Quantum Computing market will develop at a CAGR of 29 percent between 2018 and 2024, according to the Quantum Technology Market: Computing, Communications, Imaging, Security, Sensing, Modelling and Simulation 2018–2024. Due to its outstanding processing power and infinite storage, speed, and investment in R&D by industrial giants, quantum computing will drive market expansion through 2024 in numerous industries such as Energy, Aerospace & Defense, Banking, Healthcare & Life Science.

Advantages of Participating at our conference

  • The advantages of the Speaker and abstract pages are created in Google on your profile under your name would get worldwide visibility.
  • Our comprehensive online advertising attracts 30000+ users and 50000+ views to our Library of Abstracts, which takes researchers and speakers to our webinar.
  • Meet with hundreds of like-minded experts who are pioneers in Quantum Physics and share ideas.
  • All participants in the conference would have a different reason to participate with eminent speakers and renowned keynote speakers in one-to-one meetings.
  • A rare opportunity to listen what the world's experts are learning about from the world's most influential researchers in the area of Quantum Physics at our Keynote sessions.
  • Quantum Physics Summit  intensive conference schedule, you will acquire experience and expertise in strategic gift preparation that is worth its weight golf, forming an impressive array of recognised professionals.
  • Best Poster Award nominations.
  • Award for Outstanding Young Researcher.
  • Group Registration Advantages.

Benefits of Participation for Speaker

  • Worldwide appreciation of the profile of Researchers.
  • Obtain credits for professional growth.
  • Explore the latest of cutting edge analysis.
  • Make long-term bonds at social and networking activities.
  • An ability to advertise one page in the distribution of abstract books and flyers that ultimately gets 1 million views and adds great value to your research profile.
  • Learn a transition beyond your area of interest to learn more about new subjects and studies away from your core subject of Quantum Physics.
  • We have distinctive networking, learning and enjoyable integration into a single package.

Benefits of Participation for Delegate

  • Professional Development-Improve understanding and knowledge.
  • Attendance at conference supports, rejuvenates and energises delegates.
  • Your involvement in our conference will help with a new methodology and ideology that can be used to broaden the outcomes of businesses or industries.
  • Opportunities for Quantum Physics Summit researchers and experts in the same field to meet and exchange new ideas through the conference.

Benefit of Participation for Sponsor

  • Exposure to the international environment would increase the possibility of new companies.
  • Opportunity to demonstrate your company's latest technologies, new products, or service your business to a wide range of  international participants.
  • Increase business by our webinar participants through lead generation.
  • It takes a lot of time, effort and drive to create a successful company, so it's always nice to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from individuals who share a common drive and objective.
  • Conferences in Quantum Physics provide opportunities for more attention and contemplation that could help you move your company to the next stage.
  • Benchmarking main organization plans and moving it forward.
  • Get feedback from trustworthy people at our webinar to your company questions and challenges.
  • On our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing content, the advertising logo of your company.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

  • Nobody has this massive visitors to Quantum Physics in the world, this is the best forum to highlight society.
  • Creating long-lasting peer relationships.
  • In our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material, promotional content and your Organization logo will increase your number of subscribers/members by 40%.
  • The exposure of our event to your Company  listing in the Global Business forum will have a great effect on your association.
  • Your representatives can network to update their knowledge and understanding of your organisation and services with key conference delegates.
  • Quantum Physics advertising materials such as posters, brochures, pamphlets, services that will be circulated to hospitals, universities, society and researchers will be integrated with information.



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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 24-25, 2022
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
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